DranBuster, WizardRod, & HellsHammer Discussion

Did some testing for the new UX beys with Hato today. Mostly focusing on WizardRod as it is the current hot bey of discussion for becoming the meta. spoiler alert, it kinda is.

PhoenixWing was about 95% perfectly balanced
WizardRod was in between 80-90% perfectly balanced

Here are the results: 

[Image: GTEwU6F.png]
[Image: MacOkdD.png]
[Image: Op9oWFt.png]


WizardRod on either DB or B is the safest current combo, not a shocker most people saw this coming as it's a literal circle. Truly surprised how well HellsHammer on LF did against WizardRod as well as SharkEdge on T, definitely the best options for directly countering WizardRod it seems. 

DranBuster is an amazing go to attacker, not only does it have a higher win rate against the other attackers it also has a pretty good chance of winning against WizardRod (I know it's not here but stationary PhoenixWing often loses against DranBuster as well)

Hexe offers more burst resistance but in general it will be losing to DB and B in a stamina match.

Full livestream of the tests: 

Results Spreadsheet:

Some highlight clips from the stream, great watches lol: